Upon the arrival, the asylum seeker, more often than not, is traumatized by the change of the country, leaving his homeland and the persecutions he they must have suffered. The asylum application, in particular is a long application which is also sometimes painful. There are two types of international protections provided by French asylum law. The first one is refugee status and the subsidiary protection. According to Article L.711-1 of CESEDA, “Refugee status is recognized for any person who is persecuted for his or her freedom work and for any person over whom the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees exercises its mandate under Articles 6 and 7 of the Convention. its status as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 14 December 1950 or which meets the definitions of Article 1 of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the Status of Refugees. These persons are governed by the provisions applicable to refugees under the above-mentioned Geneva Convention “.
Article L. 712-1 alternatively provides for the benefit of subsidiary protection:
“The benefit of subsidiary protection is granted to any person who does not fulfil the conditions for being recognized as a refugee and for whom there are substantial grounds for believing that he or she would run a real risk of suffering in his country. one of the following serious attacks:
a) The death penalty or execution;
b) Torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
c) In the case of a civilian, a serious and personal threat to his life or person caused by violence that may extend to persons regardless of their personal circumstances and resulting from a situation of armed conflict internal or international. “
What support for the asylum seeker on arrival in France?
Article L.744-3 § 8 of the Code of entry and residence of foreigners and of the right of asylum (CESEDA) provides for a right to accommodation before the application for asylum is lodged. This article refers to the Reception and Situation Review Centres (CAES) and the Integrated and Guidance Services (SIAO). In addition, the Code provides that asylum seekers will be able to apply for a work permit if their application is still under examination after a period of six months (until 1 March 2019, the requirement remains nine months).
What is the asylum procedure in France?
List of documents
In order to complete (or achieve) your case file, certain documents or information is needed:
Story sent to OFPRA / Copy of the OFRPA interview
Documents proving your political activism (party membership card, receipt of subscription, certificate of compatriot, attestation of membership of the party, photographs of meetings or demonstrations…)
Legal documents (judgment, arrest warrant, proceedings of search /search report, lawyer’s letter…)
Medical certificate of injury resulting from torture and / or mistreatment of which you may have been victim
Attestation of psychological problems related to your past life in your country of origin
Copy of the resident card of your family members in France, and copy of the OFRPA/CNDA decision if they have the refugee status,
Documents relating the political commitment of your family,
Documents proving your professional activity in your country of origin;
Documents relating on the family situation (especially if your fears from family members)
Press articles confirming the alleged facts,
Letters of family members testifying on the risk for you in your country of origin
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